Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
unbond_and_unstake | 2204 | 2 | |
withdraw_unbonded | 2205 | - | |
maintenance_mode | 2200 | 1 | |
register | 2201 | 2 | |
set_dapp_reward_beneficiary | 2202 | 2 | |
set_dapp_owner | 2203 | 2 | |
unregister | 2206 | 1 | |
lock | 2207 | 1 | |
unlock | 2208 | 1 | |
claim_unlocked | 2209 | - | |
relock_unlocking | 220a | - | |
stake | 220b | 2 | |
unstake | 220c | 2 | |
claim_staker_rewards | 220d | - | |
claim_bonus_reward | 220e | 1 | |
claim_dapp_reward | 220f | 2 | |
unstake_from_unregistered | 2210 | 1 | |
cleanup_expired_entries | 2211 | - | |
force | 2212 | 1 | |
claim_staker_rewards_for | 2213 | 1 | |
claim_bonus_reward_for | 2214 | 2 | |
fix_account | 2264 | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
MaintenanceMode | 2200 | ["bool"] | |
NewEra | 2201 | ["EraNumber"] | |
NewSubperiod | 2202 | ["Subperiod","PeriodNumber"] | |
DAppRegistered | 2203 | ["AccountId","SmartContract","DAppId"] | |
DAppRewardDestinationUpdated | 2204 | ["SmartContract","Option<AccountId>"] | |
DAppOwnerChanged | 2205 | ["SmartContract","AccountId"] | |
DAppUnregistered | 2206 | ["SmartContract","EraNumber"] | |
Locked | 2207 | ["AccountId","Balance"] | |
Unlocking | 2208 | ["AccountId","Balance"] | |
ClaimedUnlocked | 2209 | ["AccountId","Balance"] | |
Relock | 220a | ["AccountId","Balance"] | |
Stake | 220b | ["AccountId","SmartContract","Balance"] | |
Unstake | 220c | ["AccountId","SmartContract","Balance"] | |
Reward | 220d | ["AccountId","EraNumber","Balance"] | |
BonusReward | 220e | ["AccountId","SmartContract","PeriodNumber","Balance"] | |
DAppReward | 220f | ["AccountId","SmartContract","TierId","Rank","EraNumber","Balance"] | |
UnstakeFromUnregistered | 2210 | ["AccountId","SmartContract","Balance"] | |
ExpiredEntriesRemoved | 2211 | ["AccountId","u16"] | |
Force | 2212 | ["ForcingType"] |
Name | Type | |
ActiveProtocolState | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:ProtocolState","PlainTypeValue":426} | |
NextDAppId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U16","PlainTypeValue":40} | |
IntegratedDApps | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["astar_primitives:dapp_staking:SmartContract"],"value":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:DAppInfo","keys_id":55,"value_id":428}} | |
CounterForIntegratedDApps | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U32","PlainTypeValue":4} | |
Ledger | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:AccountLedger","keys_id":0,"value_id":430}} | |
StakerInfo | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId","astar_primitives:dapp_staking:SmartContract"],"value":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:SingularStakingInfo","keys_id":436,"value_id":437}} | |
ContractStake | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U16"],"value":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:ContractStakeAmount","keys_id":40,"value_id":438}} | |
CurrentEraInfo | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:EraInfo","PlainTypeValue":439} | |
EraRewards | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:EraRewardSpan","keys_id":4,"value_id":440}} | |
PeriodEnd | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:PeriodEndInfo","keys_id":4,"value_id":444}} | |
StaticTierParams | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:TierParameters","PlainTypeValue":445} | |
TierConfig | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:TiersConfiguration","PlainTypeValue":453} | |
DAppTiers | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:DAppTierRewards","keys_id":4,"value_id":458}} | |
HistoryCleanupMarker | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"pallet_dapp_staking_v3:types:CleanupMarker","PlainTypeValue":464} | |
Safeguard | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Bool","PlainTypeValue":8} |
Name | Type | Value | |
BaseNativeCurrencyPrice | U128 | 0000c52ebca2b1000000000000000000 | |
EraRewardSpanLength | U32 | 10000000 | |
RewardRetentionInPeriods | U32 | 03000000 | |
MaxNumberOfContracts | U32 | f4010000 | |
MaxUnlockingChunks | U32 | 08000000 | |
MinimumLockedAmount | U128 | 000088b116afe3b50200000000000000 | |
UnlockingPeriod | U32 | 04000000 | |
MaxNumberOfStakedContracts | U32 | 10000000 | |
MinimumStakeAmount | U128 | 000088b116afe3b50200000000000000 | |
NumberOfTiers | U32 | 04000000 | |
RankingEnabled | Bool | 01 |
Name | Docs |
Disabled | Pallet is disabled/in maintenance mode. |
ContractAlreadyExists | Smart contract already exists within dApp staking protocol. |
ExceededMaxNumberOfContracts | Maximum number of smart contracts has been reached. |
NewDAppIdUnavailable | Not possible to assign a new dApp Id.This should never happen since current type can support up to 65536 - 1 unique dApps. |
ContractNotFound | Specified smart contract does not exist in dApp staking. |
OriginNotOwner | Call origin is not dApp owner. |
ZeroAmount | Performing locking or staking with 0 amount. |
LockedAmountBelowThreshold | Total locked amount for staker is below minimum threshold. |
AccountNotAvailableForDappStaking | Account is not allowed to participate in dApp staking due to some external reason (e.g. account is already a collator). |
TooManyUnlockingChunks | Cannot add additional unlocking chunks due to capacity limit. |
RemainingStakePreventsFullUnlock | Remaining stake prevents entire balance of starting the unlocking process. |
NoUnlockedChunksToClaim | There are no eligible unlocked chunks to claim. This can happen either if no eligible chunks exist, or if user has no chunks at all. |
NoUnlockingChunks | There are no unlocking chunks available to relock. |
UnavailableStakeFunds | The amount being staked is too large compared to what's available for staking. |
UnclaimedRewards | There are unclaimed rewards remaining from past eras or periods. They should be claimed before attempting any stake modification again. |
InternalStakeError | An unexpected error occurred while trying to stake. |
InsufficientStakeAmount | Total staked amount on contract is below the minimum required value. |
PeriodEndsInNextEra | Stake operation is rejected since period ends in the next era. |
UnstakeFromPastPeriod | Unstaking is rejected since the period in which past stake was active has passed. |
UnstakeAmountTooLarge | Unstake amount is greater than the staked amount. |
NoStakingInfo | Account has no staking information for the contract. |
InternalUnstakeError | An unexpected error occurred while trying to unstake. |
RewardExpired | Rewards are no longer claimable since they are too old. |
RewardPayoutFailed | Reward payout has failed due to an unexpected reason. |
NoClaimableRewards | There are no claimable rewards. |
InternalClaimStakerError | An unexpected error occurred while trying to claim staker rewards. |
NotEligibleForBonusReward | Account is has no eligible stake amount for bonus reward. |
InternalClaimBonusError | An unexpected error occurred while trying to claim bonus reward. |
InvalidClaimEra | Claim era is invalid - it must be in history, and rewards must exist for it. |
NoDAppTierInfo | No dApp tier info exists for the specified era. This can be because era has expiredor because during the specified era there were no eligible rewards or protocol wasn't active. |
InternalClaimDAppError | An unexpected error occurred while trying to claim dApp reward. |
ContractStillActive | Contract is still active, not unregistered. |
TooManyStakedContracts | There are too many contract stake entries for the account. This can be cleaned up by either unstaking or cleaning expired entries. |
NoExpiredEntries | There are no expired entries to cleanup for the account. |
ForceNotAllowed | Force call is not allowed in production. |
AccountNotInconsistent | Account doesn't have the freeze inconsistency |